Big Toe in the Water

Utilizing Mindfulness During Times of Uncertainty

I had the pleasure of having Harriet lead a ‘virtual mindfulness’ session with our team. I believe that anyone who wants to improve their team’s health, happiness, and cohesiveness would be smart to call Harriet. Her ‘come as you are’ approach has a calming affect on others, and her delivery is flawless. Call her, especially in times of stress!

Thank you Rajat Kapur, for your kind words and inviting me to present for your company &Marketing  on May 21, 2020. 

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Harriet Stein brings Mindfulness Programs to organizations of all sizes to transform employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.


Mindfulness is now being incorporated by organizations to lower healthcare costs, support employees in staying focused which improves their performance, and reduce levels of stress.



Provide a life-changing program for your employees and create a healthier more collaborative and engaged workplace.



Who is using mindfulness?